This Mac tip is provided by Mark Greentree and was originally posted on Mark’s blog – Everyday Mac Support. For more of Mark’s tips visit his site, follow him on Twitter, or browse his archive of posts here.
How to: Saving And Access Draft Emails On Your iOS Device
Please note this tip can be used for both iPhone and iPad. Graphics contained within are the iPhone version.
If you have ever been halfway through an important email but needed to read/reply to other emails before finalizing and sending it on your iPhone then this tip may assist you.
An email draft is simply a version of your email which has yet to be sent. As the user you have decided to save and edit it at a later date.
To undertake this you will need to of course commence writing your email and then part way through, prior to sending you will need to press the “Cancel” button in the compose window which will then allow you to select from the following options:

“Delete Draft” will delete the email completely.
“Save Draft” will allow you to access the email at a later date in order to edit it further.
“Cancel” will allow you to continue writing the email in question.
For this example you will need to tap on “Save Draft”. Once saved you will be taken back to the previous area you were in, in the Mail app.
Accessing the draft email again to make any relevant changes can be done via the following method.
You can go back to the main directory window for your email accounts as seen below:

You will need to tap an account which is in the “Accounts” area as shown highlighted above. Doing so will present you with the following window:

Tap on “Drafts” and that will present to you all the drafts you currently have associated with that account.
Then tap on the draft email you wish to continue writing and send when completed. Please note there is no limitation on how frequently you can save an email you are currently composing.
You can also access the very last saved draft by tapping and holding the Compose Button as highlighted below: