This Mac tip is provided by Mark Greentree and was originally posted on Mark’s blog – Everyday Mac Support. For more of Mark’s tips visit his site, follow him on Twitter, or browse his archive of posts here.
How to: Quickly Access And Change Applications With Keystrokes
Did you know you can easily cycle through all your open applications with simple keystrokes?

In order to access this heads-up-display simply click Command + Tab as shown below:

Whilst holding down Command you can repeatedly press the Tab key which will move the selection from left to right. When you have selected an application you would like to use simply let go of both keys.
You can also go in reverse from right to left by pressing Command + Tilde as shown below:

Please note before you can navigate through open applications in reverse you will need to commence the process with the Command + Tab keystroke combination, then let go of the Tab key and press Tilde.
Whilst holding down the Command key, you can click the mouse over any application icon to go to that application.
You can also use the arrow (cursor keys) in conjunction with the command key to achieve the same effect of selecting left to right instead of using the Tab and Tilde keys.