This Mac tip is provided by Mark Greentree and was originally posted on Mark’s blog – Everyday Mac Support. For more of Mark’s tips visit his site, follow him on Twitter, or browse his archive of posts here.
How to: View Websites Without Images In Safari
Are you on a slow internet connection or perhaps you don’t have a very good data allowance? If this is the case you can view web sites in Safari without images loading. A site loaded in this way may look like this:

If you wish to navigate in this mode then all you need to do is go to your Safari Preferences by navigating to Safari > Preferences from the menu bar or by pressing Command + Comma on your keyboard.
Doing so will bring up the following preferences:

Please make sure you are in the Appearance tab as presented above. Then the third option down the window says ‘Display Images When The Page Opens’. By default this will be activated and a tick will be present in the box. Deselecting this will then prevent images from loading on sites in Safari.
Whilst the images are blocked things like flash advertising which is present on many sites will not be blocked.
When looking at the screenshot towards the beginning of this article, you would notice that the navigation names on the Apple site have also been removed by using this method. Hence this preference is a double edged sword but certainly useable should you have a slow connection or limited data allowances especially when travelling.