Siri Says the Darndest Things: Voice Texting Madness!

Siri Says the Darndest Things: Voice Texting Madness!

We’re back with another round of Siri’s best moments! Some people are daring. Some people are crazy. Some people try to use Siri to send text messages using their voice!

Eye See What You Mean

Creepy is in the Eye of the Beholder

It’s Tough, Because you Really Get Into Detail…

Nobody Likes Cold Weather But…

The screenshots above came from the great site, Why, Siri, Why? Be sure to visit them, but be warned, it is NSFW.

What do you have Siri call you? We’d love to find out. Let us know what Siri calls you. We’ve had some great emails from our readers, but we’d love to see more! Send your replies to:, and we’ll publish the best ones. Let’s hear it!

We’ve been appreciative of the Siri remarks you’ve submitted to us, and we want you to keep them coming! But, before you take the time to send your screenshots, check in the MacTrast archives and see if we’ve already published it. (And if we’ve published it twice, please let us know.) Just search for “Siri Says the Darndest Things” on MacTrast, and you’ll be able to see what we’ve already used.

Please keep them coming though, send them to: If you see a video or article showing an interesting way that users have bent Siri to their will, or a funny cartoon or video starring Siri, send us a link! We’ll give you credit for the heads-up!

Thanks, see you next week!