Think the Mac Pro is an expensive machine? Think again. Forbes has ranked the top five most expensive Macs of all time, and there were once some truly steep prices, including the most expensive of all time, the Apple Lisa, coming in at $9995 originally or a whopping $21,600 with inflation. Yikes!

In second is the Macintosh IIfx, which came in at $9000 or $14,900 in today’s money, followed by the Apple III in third. The only portable on the list, the Macintosh Portable, is fourth at $11,300 inflation adjusted, while the 20th Anniversary Mac brings up the back end of a pricy ranking with an original price of $7499, or $10,140 today.
You might think that today an Apple Lisa goes cheaply, but a quick check on eBay reveals that’s certainly not the case. A complete model can go for just under three thousand, and while that’s nothing on the inflation adjusted price, it’s still considerable.
So next time you think about complaining about Apple’s prices, remember that things used to be a lot worse, so you can consider yourself lucky that you don’t live back in the 80s.