Over the weekend, we reported that Rovi0 would announce a Star Wars tie-in to Angry Birds on October 8th. While we initially thought the announcement might be related to merchandising, the company has now revealed that they will be releasing an all new Star Wars themed version of Angry Birds on November 8th.

On November 8, the Angry Birds and Star Wars universes will collide, in our best game to date. http://angrybirds.com/starwars
It doesn’t stop there though, we’ll have a whole host of toys, animations and other Angry Birds Star Wars goodness to enjoy! So, watch the video a few times, follow our http://angrybirds.tumblr.com page and check back every day – this is just the beginning.
May the birds be with you
This is a pretty serious franchise opportunity for Rovio. According to The Verge, the deal includes a franchise agreement with Hasbro for merchandising, which will include plush toys and a variety of other merchandise and accessories.
One can’t help but ask whether Rovio is taking Angry Birds too far? How many spin-offs are too many? Is Rovio doomed to drag the franchise out through franchise agreements for the next decade? We’ll know all the details about the game in one month.
Check out the official Angry Birds Star Wars website to stay up to date on all the latest. In the meantime, make sure to check out Angry Birds Space, and all of Rovio’s iOS games while you wait!