Steve Jobs Predicts the Future of Animation in This Rare 1995 Speech (Video)

When Steve Jobs purchased Pixar in 1986 for the sum of $10 million, few realized the real significance of the purchase. About 10 years later, Pixar unveiled Toy Story – the first feature film made entirely of GC animation! Mashable has uncovered a rare presentation delivered by Steve Jobs at SIGGRAPH in 1995 – and his comments were all but prophetic about the future of computer animation!

A quick highlight from the clip:

We should take a few minutes today on the hundredth anniversary of the invention of the motion picture to contemplate the contributions we’re making.

We have now pioneered, I think, really the next major offshoot of the motion picture. It’s going to be a medium in its own right. It’s going to have unique talents in itself that we will find boundaries for as we explore it for the next many years.

The speech was delivered a little more than a year before Jobs would return to Apple, selling his Pixar shares the company in the process. Check out the full clip below! It’s definitely worth a look!

J. Glenn Künzler

Glenn is Managing Editor at MacTrast, and has been using a Mac since he bought his first MacBook Pro in 2006. He lives in a small town in Utah, enjoys bacon more than you can possibly imagine, and is severely addicted to pie.