Despite an unparalleled level of excitement over Apple’s WWDC announcements – including major changes to both OS X and iOS – the company’s stock has continued to decline following their keynote. This morning, shares of AAPL once again dipped below $400 per share, for the first time since April (via 9to5Mac).

It’s unclear exactly what is responsible for the stock’s continued decline – but Apple is taking that mater very seriously. Apple CEO Tim Cook even requested that his bonus compensation for acting as the company’s CEO be altered based upon Apple’s stock performance. In short, if the stock doesn’t perform well, he stands to lose up to 40% of his vested stock compensation.
It’s not just Apple’s stock that took a hit today, however – the NASDAQ index as a whole is also down over 1% for the day, which almost certainly plays into Apple’s most recent drop. Apple’s stock did climb back over $400 per share, however, to close at $402.54.
Hopefully big momentum for this fall’s releases – a new iPhone, new iPad hardware, the new Mac Pro, iOS 7, OS X Mavericks, and probably more – will pull it back closer to last September’s high of nearly $700 per share. As always, however, only time will tell.