Happy Birthday iPod touch! You were introduced 6 years ago, on this day back in 2007. Your “daddy” Steve Jobs introduced you at the keynote address at an Apple music event. Since then, its estimated Apple has sold around 100 million of you in different models and storage sizes.

Sure, your big brother, the iPhone has sold HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS, but we all know you have a special place in the hearts of millions of users who’s parents won’t let them have iPhones yet. That’s right, the 5 year old and under user. Toddlers everywhere salute you!
(Editors Note – Laugh, but when I worked at the Apple Store, a man came in and bought a 32GB iPod touch for his three year old.)
Sure, you’re continually dogged by rumors of your impending demise, but you still persevere.
You’ve grown from a first generation model that didn’t even sport a built-in speaker, and blossomed into the current 5th-gen device with a 4-in screen, a good solid camera, and more colors than a trip with Dr. Timothy Leary.
Here’s to you iPod touch, we’d sing “Happy Birthday,” but we can’t afford the licensing fees!
I’ll always have a special place in my heart for you. Hang in there baby, you’ve still got some life left in you yet!
(Thanks to TUAW for reminding us it was the iPod Touch’s birthday.)