In another one of his classic “off my meds” outbursts, Eric Schmidt exclaimed that Android is more secure than iOS at a question-and-answer session at the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo. As ZDNet reports, his response drew wild laughter from the crowd.

Gartner analyst David Willis, who is chief of research for mobility and communications and who runs Gartner’s Senior Research Board, said to Schmidt: “If you polled many people in this audience they would say Google Android is not their principal platform […] When you say Android, people say, wait a minute, Android is not secure.”
Schmidt didn’t miss a beat, replying, “Not secure? It’s more secure than the iPhone.”
Wild laughter is indeed the appropriate response – unless you ignore that fact that pretty much every major security agency strongly disagrees, and even the FBI has issued public warnings against Android malware. “More secure,” indeed.
I guffaw in your general direction, Mr. Schmidt.
What a load of Schmidt.