Where were you on January 24, 1984? SHUSH UP twenty-somethings! For the rest of us January 24, 1984 may be as important to us as our own birthday. That was the day the world of computing was changed forever, as the Apple Macintosh debuted.

With a gigantic 9-inch monitor, a keyboard, a mouse and 128 KB of built-in memory, the computer could be yours for the low, low price of US$2,495 dollars. This year marks the Macintosh’s 30th anniversary, and its birthday is getting its own special event.
January 25, 2014 will see a 30th anniversary celebration for the Macintosh take place. The event, put on by All Planet Studios, the Computer History Museum and Macworld/iWorld, will be held at the Flint Center in Cupertino, California. The event will be held in the same 2,300-seat auditorium where Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh.
Members of the original Macintosh development team will be holding a series of talks covering the creation of the Macintosh from its first conception to current days. Previously unreleased video will be shared, and even director Ridley Scott of “Alien” fame will be in attendance to discuss his historic “1984” ad.
Daniel Kottke is one of the main hosts. Daniel, together with author Steven Levy, Randy Wigginton, George Crow, Rod Holt, Larry Tesler, Bill Fernandez, Bruce Horn, Ron Nicholson, Larry Kenyon, Jerry Manock, Donn Denman, Bill Bull, Martin Haeberli, Bryan Stearns, Bob Belleville, David Beaver, Sam Lyall, Carolyn Rose, Joe Sheldon, Debi Coleman, Brian Robertson, Pamela Wyman and many other original Macintosh team members will be on the panels sharing their stories.
Profits from the event will go to supporting charities that promote computer and internet literacy. For more information, visit the Mac 30th Celebration website.