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Apple Seeds iOS 8 Beta 4 and OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 4 to Developers

Apple Seeds iOS 8 Beta 4 and OS X Yosemite Developer Preview 4 to Developers

Good news, everyone! Following the release of the third developer betas of iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite on July 7th, Apple has now just released the 4th developer previews of both releases as well – right in line with expectations.

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It’s unclear exactly what is specifically new or different in each release, but developers will no doubt want to get their hands on the latest build to continue to test and improve new versions of their iOS 8 optimized apps. A new 4th build of Xcode 6 is also available. Updates can be applied over-the-air for devices already on a previous beta of Yosemite or iOS 8.

Developers can also download a fresh copy of each developer beta through Apple’s Developer Center.
