Netflix viewers can now download selected television series and movies to their device for viewing when no Internet connection is available.

While many members enjoy watching Netflix at home, we’ve often heard they also want to continue their Stranger Things binge while on airplanes and other places where Internet is expensive or limited. Just click the download button on the details page for a film or TV series and you can watch it later without an internet connection.
While Netflix promoted the new feature with their own original content, such as Narcos, Orange is the New Black, etc. there is content available that is from other content suppliers, shows such as Supergirl, The Flash, The Office, and many more are included as downloadable content. Not all the streaming content is available for download, but that is likely to change as the company makes behind the scenes deals for content.
We downloaded the first episode of Supergirl, and the episode downloaded in a matter of moments over a broadband connection. The episode’s file size shows up as 187.6MB, so this isn’t high definition content you’re downloading, but the episode played well, and looked pretty good on our iPhone 6s Plus screen.
The new feature is free with your Netflix subscription, and you can take advantage of it on your iOS or Android devices. Make sure your app is updated to the latest version (9.0) to be able to use the feature. You can download the Netflix app for free from iOS from the App Store. [GET IT HERE]