Wallpaper Weekends is a series that works to bring you stunning, high-quality wallpapers for your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, and Apple Watch. This week’s offering is an assortment of white iPhone wallpapers, designed to bring an understated elegance to your iPhone.
“She knew then that white was more than a color: It was a cold, pale shade of understanding that seems to take all of your hope away.”
― Vannetta Chapman, A Perfect Square

“Life starts from a white hole and ends in a black hole.”
― Santosh Kalwar

“Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.”
― Coco Chanel, Chanel

“All Heaven and Earth
Flowered white obliterate…
Snow…unceasing snow”
― Bashō Matsuo, Japanese Haiku

“It’s too cold outside
For angels to fly
An angel will die
Covered in white
Closed eye
And hoping for a better life
This time, we’ll fade out tonight
Straight down the line”
― Ed Sheeran

Download Directions for Your iPhone
From your device, link to the full resolution image of any simply black iPhone wallpapers by tapping the individual images. When the new window opens, tap the Safari Extensions icon in the bottom area of your browser, (it looks like a box with an up arrow sticking out of it), and tap “Save image” to save the image to your Photo Library.
From your desktop computer, link to the full resolution image by clicking the image. Right-click and save the image to your iTunes photo sync folder.