The Onion Launch iPad App

The Onion Launch iPad App

Trust The Onion to release their iPad app on April 1st. It was one of the few occasions that The Onion published legitimate news, and they choose to do it on the most prank ridden day of the year.

The satirical site launched a HTML5 powered iPad app that puts its never ending stream of uselessly brilliant news stories at your fingertips. The app allows readers “to touch the news. That’s right. Swipe it, poke it, berate it, and it reacts accordingly. The Onion’s notoriously irreverent content, full screen images, and video are all at the flick of your wrist.”

The ad supported app is very quick to launch and is very responsive and smooth. When reading any news story, a menu to the left of the screen slides out and presents you with a list of the latest news so that you can easily navigate the app. Some features of the website are dropped (such as related articles) but all-in-all the iPad app provides a far greater reading experience than reading from The Onion website.

The app allows you to share articles on Twitter, Facebook, Read It Later, Email, Google Reader, Instapaper, Pinboard, and Tumblr.

Michael Greer, chief product officer at The Onion, claimed that approximately 20% of all their readers are on mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad. so making an iPad app made a lot of sense. Greer also confirmed that The Onion intends to create a similar app for Android Tablets…. once Android becomes a bit more popular and they can justify creating an app.

Download it now for free from iTunes.
