Is iPad Better For Your Kids Than TV?

Cult of Mac ran an article this weekend on whether every child in the US should have an iPad. This seems to have provoked quite a reaction on both sides of the fence. However the prevailing argument by comments on the article resulted in the iPad being much better for your children than TV.

With children spending on average 900 hours in the classroom and 1500 hours watching TV, the iPad seems to have found stronger support for its interactivity, less harmful advertising, portability, and learning applications. Of course parental controls were also favourable. Strong opposers of both mediums were also vocalising with valid points of getting away from screens altogether and actually going outside and enjoying this great planet we live on. However, the fact remains that perhaps the iPad is a greater tool for your children than TV because of the wide variety of functions and interactivity it can provide and if you just want to watch TV, well you can do that on your iPad anyway.

What do our readers think? If you had to choose sitting your child in front of the TV for a week or giving them an iPad to explore, which would you choose?

Michael Roberts

Michael's first foray into Apple was like many, with an early gen iPod. Since then he has owned all versions of the iPhone, a MacBook, Macbook Pro, 21" iMac, iPad, iPad 2 and now runs a 27" iMac i5. He is a tech guy of all sorts owning all current gen consoles and many other gadgets to boot, however he prefers to spend his time scouring the land of Mac for news and reviews when he isn't making digital music with his Mac. Follow him on Twitter @micky_moose