If you enjoy Starbucks and happen to own an iOS device, it just might be worth stopping in for a visit. Starbucks has just partnered with Apple on another new promotion today in which they’ll be giving away free paid iOS apps to visitors.

Starbucks customers can pick up a card at the cash register which contains a promo code that can be used within the App Store. The app will change periodically. Currently, Starbucks is giving away Shazam Encore, a music identifying app that normally costs $5.99 (App Store Link).
Apple ans Starbucks have worked together in the past on Starbucks popular free song download promotion, but now seems to have shifted their focus to promoting the offerings of the App Store.
Starbucks customers – Enjoy the coffee, pastries, and free apps! To get even more bang for your buck, why not use Jonathan’s Card to get your coffee for free as well?