Alongside the new iPad, Apple also announced a brand new version of their Apple TV set-top box, featuring support for AirPlay streaming from the new iPad (and OS X Mountain Lion), 1080p video output, and more! Here’s what you need to know.

- 1080p Output
Another big new feature is support for 1080p high definition output. Perfect for watching the newly available TV and Movies available from iTunes.
- Movies Now Supported in iCloud, Photo Stream now on Apple TV
You’ll be able to view movies you’ve purchased on any device, and movies and TV shows now support 1080p.
Take a photo on your iPhone, and it instantly appears on your Apple TV.
- New Interface
A TV version of the iOS interface. Icons, Apps, Cover Flow. Still not a true iOS interface, but much improved.
The Apple TV 3 will be available on March 16th for $99 from Apple Retail Stores, the Apple Online Store, and various retailers, including MacMall,, and Best Buy. Pre-orders are available now.