The first round of orders for Apple’s elusive 27-inch iMac began arriving to customers about a week ago, and for the most part, people seem to be thrilled with its design and performance – unless they want to use Boot Camp to run Windows! Unfortunately, those who configured their iMac with a 3TB Fusion Drive are out of luck in this department, as 9to5Mac notes that the 3TB Fusion Drive doesn’t support any Boot Camp usage whatsoever.

The lack of Boot Camp support comes as a fairly major disappointment to many users, who might depend on their iMac for work, and were expecting their $3000 Mac to be able to handle whatever they threw at it. Apple mentions that the 3TB model doesn’t support Boot Camp in a tiny foot note within their Fusion Drive FAQ page.
It’s unclear exactly why the 3TB Fusion Drive can’t support Boot Camp (the 1TB Fusion Drive does support the feature, incidentally) – but one thing is clear: their users are disappointed. Apple should have done the responsible thing and made this very explicit before customers’ began placing their orders. Very disappointing.
In the meantime, users depending on this feature will just have to use Parallels, VMware, or another solution, and hope it works well enough and fast enough for their needs…