Apple iPod fans throughout Europe, Asia, and South America now have the opportunity to grab Apple’s new 16GB iPod touch, as the revamped model has launched in a number of new countries just five short days after its debut in the United States. The new model offers feature parity with its larger touch siblings, including a 5MP iSight rear-facing camera.

The list of new markets contains most of the usual suspects, including the U.K., Australia, Germany, Brazil, Hong Kong, China, and Japan, among others. In keeping with Apple’s current pricing strategy, international buyers can expect to pay a premium for the device — from HK$1,588 ($205) in Hong Kong to £159.00 ($273) in Britain
Apple debuted the new 16GB model of the iPod touch last Thursday, giving it the same features as the higher-capacity touch models, and dropping prices for all models. All models of the iPod touch are now available in any of six colors, and include the aforementioned rear-facing cameras. Models start at $199, down $30 from the previous $229 price.
Although the iPod has long been pushed out of the spotlight by the iPhone and iPad, the iPod lineup continues to sell in decent numbers, around 2.7 million per quarter by the last count. While Apple does not break out iPod sales by model, it’s believed that iPod touch sales account for over half that figure.