A Focus@Will: 1-Yr Premium Subscription helps you remove the world’s distractions so you can capitalize on every second of your free time.

Time is your most precious resource and Focus@Will helps you remove the world’s distractions so you can capitalize on every second of your free time. Chances are you’re not listening to the best music to help you focus, which is why Focus@Will gives you music channels that are scientifically optimized to help you focus. With over 50 channels of exclusively curated music specifically designed to help you focus, this program has been scientifically proven to increase attention span and increase your productivity by 400%. Being productive is hard — Focus@Will makes it easier.
4/5 Stars on over 2,600 Google Play reviews
Featured on TechCrunch and Lifehacker
- Make better use of your time w/ more focused attention
- Reduce distractions from noisy coworkers, a busy office environment, or whatever draws your attention away
- Do better work & earn the promotions & raises you deserve
- Create a more sustainable work habit w/ over 50 channels to choose from & timed work sessions

Details & Requirements
- Version 1.4.8
- Android
- iOS
- Sonos
- Instant digital redemption
- Redemption: must redeem purchase within 30 days
- Length of access: 1 year